The latest version of Spock is
- Web.Spock
- Web.Spock.Internal.Cookies
- Web.Spock.Internal.SessionVault
- Web.Spock.Internal.Util
- Web.Spock.Safe
- Web.Spock.Shared
- Web.Spock.Simple
- aeson lib:aeson >=0.7
- base lib:base >=4 && <5
- base64-bytestring lib:base64-bytestring >=1.0
- bytestring lib:bytestring >=0.10
- case-insensitive lib:case-insensitive >=1.1
- containers lib:containers >=0.5
- crypto-random lib:crypto-random >=0.0.8
- directory lib:directory >=1.2
- focus lib:focus >=0.1
- hashable lib:hashable >=1.2
- http-types lib:http-types >=0.8
- hvect lib:hvect >=0.2
- list-t lib:list-t >=0.4
- monad-control lib:monad-control >=1.0
- mtl lib:mtl >=2.1
- old-locale lib:old-locale >=1.0
- path-pieces lib:path-pieces >=0.1.4
- random lib:random >=1.0
- reroute lib:reroute >=0.3.1 && <0.4
- resource-pool lib:resource-pool >=0.2
- resourcet lib:resourcet >=0.4
- stm lib:stm >=2.4
- stm-containers lib:stm-containers >=0.2
- text lib:text >=
- time lib:time >=1.4
- transformers lib:transformers >=0.3
- transformers-base lib:transformers-base >=0.4
- unordered-containers lib:unordered-containers >=0.2
- vault lib:vault >=0.3
- wai lib:wai >=3.0
- wai-extra lib:wai-extra >=3.0
- warp lib:warp >=3.0
Reverse dependencies
Direct only. Not exhaustive.
- Spock bench:spock-simple-example
- Spock test:spocktests
- Spock-auth lib:Spock-auth
- Spock-digestive lib:Spock-digestive
- Spock-worker lib:Spock-worker
- acme-everything lib:acme-everything
- breve exe:breve