The latest version of brittany is
- Language.Haskell.Brittany
- Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal
- Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Config
- Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Config.Types
- Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Config.Types.Instances
- Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Prelude
- Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.PreludeUtils
- Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Types
- Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Utils
- Paths_brittany
- aeson lib:aeson >= && <1.3
- base lib:base >=4.9 && <4.11
- butcher lib:butcher >= && <1.2
- bytestring lib:bytestring >= && <0.11
- cmdargs lib:cmdargs >=0.10.14 && <0.11
- containers lib:containers >= && <0.6
- czipwith lib:czipwith >= && <1.0.1
- data-tree-print lib:data-tree-print >=0
- deepseq lib:deepseq >= && <1.5
- directory lib:directory >= && <1.4
- either lib:either >= && <4.5
- extra lib:extra >=1.4.10 && <1.7
- ghc lib:ghc >=8.0.1 && <8.3
- ghc-boot-th lib:ghc-boot-th >=8.0.1 && <8.3
- ghc-exactprint lib:ghc-exactprint >= && <0.6
- ghc-paths lib:ghc-paths >= && <0.2
- monad-memo lib:monad-memo >=0.4.1 && <0.5
- mtl lib:mtl >=2.2.1 && <2.3
- multistate lib:multistate >= && <0.8
- neat-interpolation lib:neat-interpolation >=0.3.2 && <0.4
- pretty lib:pretty >= && <1.2
- safe lib:safe >=0.3.9 && <0.4
- semigroups lib:semigroups >=0.18.2 && <0.19
- strict lib:strict >=0.3.2 && <0.4
- syb lib:syb >=0.6 && <0.8
- text lib:text >=1.2 && <1.3
- transformers lib:transformers >= && <0.6
- uniplate lib:uniplate >=1.6.12 && <1.7
- unsafe lib:unsafe >=0.0 && <0.1
- yaml lib:yaml >=0.8.18 && <0.9
Reverse dependencies
Direct only. Not exhaustive.