The latest version of capnp is
- Capnp.Address
- Capnp.Bits
- Capnp.Canonicalize
- Capnp.Convert
- Capnp.Errors
- Capnp.Fields
- Capnp.Gen
- Capnp.Gen.ById.X86c366a91393f3f8.New
- Capnp.Gen.ById.X8ef99297a43a5e34.New
- Capnp.Gen.ById.Xa184c7885cdaf2a1.New
- Capnp.Gen.ById.Xa93fc509624c72d9.New
- Capnp.Gen.ById.Xb312981b2552a250.New
- Capnp.Gen.ById.Xb8630836983feed7.New
- Capnp.Gen.ById.Xbdf87d7bb8304e81.New
- Capnp.Gen.Capnp
- Capnp.Gen.Capnp.Compat.Json.New
- Capnp.Gen.Capnp.Cxx.New
- Capnp.Gen.Capnp.Persistent.New
- Capnp.Gen.Capnp.Rpc.New
- Capnp.Gen.Capnp.RpcTwoparty.New
- Capnp.Gen.Capnp.Schema.New
- Capnp.Gen.Capnp.Stream.New
- Capnp.GenHelpers.New
- Capnp.GenHelpers.New.Rpc
- Capnp.IO
- Capnp.Message
- Capnp.Mutability
- Capnp.New
- Capnp.New.Accessors
- Capnp.New.Basics
- Capnp.New.Classes
- Capnp.New.Constraints
- Capnp.New.Rpc.Common
- Capnp.New.Rpc.Server
- Capnp.Pointer
- Capnp.Repr
- Capnp.Repr.Methods
- Capnp.Repr.Parsed
- Capnp.Rpc
- Capnp.Rpc.Errors
- Capnp.Rpc.Promise
- Capnp.Rpc.Server
- Capnp.Rpc.Transport
- Capnp.Rpc.Untyped
- Capnp.TraversalLimit
- Capnp.Tutorial
- Capnp.Untyped
- Data.Mutable
- async lib:async ^>=2.2.1
- base lib:base >=4.11 && <5
- bytes lib:bytes >=0.15.4 && <0.18
- bytestring lib:bytestring >=0.10 && <0.12
- containers lib:containers >=0.5.9 && <0.7
- data-default lib:data-default ^>=0.7.1
- data-default-instances-vector lib:data-default-instances-vector ^>=0.0.1
- exceptions lib:exceptions ^>=0.10.0
- focus lib:focus ^>=1.0.1
- ghc-prim lib:ghc-prim >=0.6.1 && <0.8
- hashable lib:hashable >=1.2.7 && <1.4
- lifetimes lib:lifetimes ^>=0.1
- list-t lib:list-t ^>=1.0.2
- monad-stm lib:monad-stm ^>=0.1
- mtl lib:mtl ^>=2.2.2
- network lib:network >=3 && <3.2
- network-simple lib:network-simple ^>=0.4
- pretty-show lib:pretty-show >=1.9.5 && <1.11
- primitive lib:primitive >=0.6.3 && <0.8
- safe-exceptions lib:safe-exceptions ^>=0.1.7
- stm lib:stm ^>=2.5.0
- stm-containers lib:stm-containers >=1.1.0 && <1.3
- supervisors lib:supervisors ^>=0.2.1
- template-haskell lib:template-haskell >=2.16.0 && <2.18
- text lib:text >=1.2 && <2.0
- transformers lib:transformers >=0.5.2 && <0.7
- vector lib:vector ^>=0.12.0
Reverse dependencies
Direct only. Not exhaustive.