The latest version of dynobud is
- Dyno.AutoScaling
- Dyno.DirectCollocation.ActiveConstraints
- Dyno.DirectCollocation.Dynamic
- Dyno.DirectCollocation.Export
- Dyno.DirectCollocation.Formulate
- Dyno.DirectCollocation.FormulateCov
- Dyno.DirectCollocation.Integrate
- Dyno.DirectCollocation.Interpolate
- Dyno.DirectCollocation.Quadratures
- Dyno.DirectCollocation.Robust
- Dyno.DirectCollocation.Types
- Dyno.FormatTime
- Dyno.Integrate
- Dyno.LagrangePolynomials
- Dyno.MultipleShooting
- Dyno.Nlp
- Dyno.NlpScaling
- Dyno.NlpSolver
- Dyno.NlpUtils
- Dyno.Ocp
- Dyno.OcpHomotopy
- Dyno.SimpleOcp
- Dyno.SolverInternal
- Dyno.Solvers
- Dyno.TypeVecs
- Dyno.Vectorize
- Dyno.View.Cov
- Dyno.View.Fun
- Dyno.View.FunJac
- Dyno.View.HList
- Dyno.View.JV
- Dyno.View.JVec
- Dyno.View.M
- Dyno.View.MapFun
- Dyno.View.Scheme
- Dyno.View.Unsafe.M
- Dyno.View.Unsafe.View
- Dyno.View.View
- Dyno.View.Viewable
- Plot-ho-matic lib:Plot-ho-matic >=
- aeson lib:aeson >=0
- base lib:base >=4.6 && <5
- binary lib:binary >=0
- casadi-bindings lib:casadi-bindings >=
- casadi-bindings-core lib:casadi-bindings-core >=
- cereal lib:cereal >=0
- containers lib:containers >=0.5
- data-default-class lib:data-default-class >=0
- directory lib:directory >=0
- distributive lib:distributive >=0
- generic-accessors lib:generic-accessors >=
- hmatrix lib:hmatrix >=
- hmatrix-gsl lib:hmatrix-gsl >=
- jacobi-roots lib:jacobi-roots >=0.2 && <0.3
- linear lib:linear >=
- mtl lib:mtl >=2.2.1
- process lib:process >=0
- reflection lib:reflection >=1.3.2
- spatial-math lib:spatial-math >=
- time lib:time >=0
- vector lib:vector >=0.10
- vector-binary-instances lib:vector-binary-instances >=0
Reverse dependencies
Direct only. Not exhaustive.
- acme-everything lib:acme-everything
- dynobud exe:basic
- dynobud exe:basic-nlp
- dynobud exe:basicJ
- dynobud exe:beginner-qp
- dynobud exe:dae-pendulum
- dynobud exe:daeColl
- dynobud exe:dynoplot
- dynobud exe:easy-nlp
- dynobud exe:glider
- dynobud exe:homotopy
- dynobud exe:multiple_shooting
- dynobud exe:nlp-solver
- dynobud exe:nlpDsl
- dynobud exe:ocpDslRocket
- dynobud exe:ocpDslSpring
- dynobud exe:ocpMonad
- dynobud exe:plotSofa
- dynobud exe:rocket
- dynobud exe:sailboat
- dynobud exe:sofa-expand-o-matic
- dynobud exe:sofa-viz-2000
- dynobud exe:sofaTime
- dynobud exe:spring
- dynobud exe:staticExample
- dynobud exe:vec
- dynobud test:unit-tests