The latest version of explicit-exception is 0.2-2.
- Control.Monad.Exception.Asynchronous
- Control.Monad.Exception.Asynchronous.Lazy
- Control.Monad.Exception.Asynchronous.Strict
- Control.Monad.Exception.Synchronous
- applicative lib:applicative >=1.0 && <1.1
- base lib:base (>=1 && <2) && (>=2 && <5) && >=1 && <2
- deepseq lib:deepseq >=1.1 && <1.5
- semigroups lib:semigroups >=0.1 && <1.0
- special-functors lib:special-functors >=1.0 && <1.1
- transformers lib:transformers >=0.2 && <0.6
Reverse dependencies
Direct only. Not exhaustive.
- cabal-sort exe:cabal-sort
- cabal-sort exe:ghc-pkg-dep
- http-monad lib:http-monad
- lrucache exe:test
- midi lib:midi
- mohws exe:hws
- mohws exe:hws-dyn
- mohws lib:mohws
- sox lib:sox
- spreadsheet lib:spreadsheet
- synthesizer-core lib:synthesizer-core
- synthesizer-dimensional exe:demonstration
- tagchup exe:tagchupspeed
- tagchup exe:tagchuptest
- tagchup exe:validate-tagchup
- tagchup lib:tagchup
- tagsoup-ht exe:tagsoupspeed
- tagsoup-ht exe:tagsouptest
- tagsoup-ht exe:validate-tagsoup
- tagsoup-ht lib:tagsoup-ht
- wraxml lib:wraxml
- xml-basic lib:xml-basic