The latest version of ghc-lib-parser is
- Annotations
- ApiAnnotation
- Avail
- Bag
- BasicTypes
- BinFingerprint
- Binary
- BkpSyn
- BooleanFormula
- BufWrite
- ByteCodeTypes
- Class
- CliOption
- CmdLineParser
- CmmType
- CoAxiom
- Coercion
- ConLike
- Config
- Constants
- Constraint
- CoreArity
- CoreFVs
- CoreMap
- CoreMonad
- CoreOpt
- CoreSeq
- CoreStats
- CoreSubst
- CoreSyn
- CoreTidy
- CoreUnfold
- CoreUtils
- CostCentre
- CostCentreState
- Ctype
- DataCon
- Demand
- Digraph
- DriverPhases
- DynFlags
- Encoding
- EnumSet
- ErrUtils
- Exception
- FV
- FamInstEnv
- FastFunctions
- FastMutInt
- FastString
- FastStringEnv
- FieldLabel
- FileCleanup
- FileSettings
- Fingerprint
- FiniteMap
- ForeignCall
- GHC.BaseDir
- GHC.Exts.Heap
- GHC.Exts.Heap.ClosureTypes
- GHC.Exts.Heap.Closures
- GHC.Exts.Heap.Constants
- GHC.Exts.Heap.InfoTable
- GHC.Exts.Heap.InfoTable.Types
- GHC.Exts.Heap.InfoTableProf
- GHC.Exts.Heap.Utils
- GHC.ForeignSrcLang
- GHC.ForeignSrcLang.Type
- GHC.Hs
- GHC.Hs.Binds
- GHC.Hs.Decls
- GHC.Hs.Doc
- GHC.Hs.Dump
- GHC.Hs.Expr
- GHC.Hs.Extension
- GHC.Hs.ImpExp
- GHC.Hs.Instances
- GHC.Hs.Lit
- GHC.Hs.Pat
- GHC.Hs.PlaceHolder
- GHC.Hs.Types
- GHC.Hs.Utils
- GHC.HsToCore.PmCheck.Types
- GHC.LanguageExtensions
- GHC.LanguageExtensions.Type
- GHC.Lexeme
- GHC.PackageDb
- GHC.Platform
- GHC.Serialized
- GHC.UniqueSubdir
- GHC.Version
- GHCi.BreakArray
- GHCi.Message
- GHCi.RemoteTypes
- GHCi.TH.Binary
- GhcMonad
- GhcNameVersion
- GhcPrelude
- HaddockUtils
- HeaderInfo
- Hooks
- HscTypes
- IOEnv
- Id
- IdInfo
- IfaceSyn
- IfaceType
- InstEnv
- InteractiveEvalTypes
- Json
- KnownUniques
- Language.Haskell.TH
- Language.Haskell.TH.LanguageExtensions
- Language.Haskell.TH.Lib
- Language.Haskell.TH.Lib.Internal
- Language.Haskell.TH.Lib.Map
- Language.Haskell.TH.Ppr
- Language.Haskell.TH.PprLib
- Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
- Lexeme
- Lexer
- LinkerTypes
- ListSetOps
- Literal
- Maybes
- MkCore
- MkId
- Module
- MonadUtils
- Name
- NameCache
- NameEnv
- NameSet
- OccName
- OccurAnal
- OptCoercion
- OrdList
- Outputable
- PackageConfig
- Packages
- Pair
- Panic
- Parser
- PatSyn
- PipelineMonad
- PlainPanic
- PlatformConstants
- Plugins
- PprColour
- PprCore
- Predicate
- PrelNames
- PrelRules
- Pretty
- PrimOp
- RdrHsSyn
- RdrName
- RepType
- Rules
- Settings
- SizedSeq
- SrcLoc
- StringBuffer
- SysTools.BaseDir
- SysTools.Terminal
- TcEvidence
- TcHoleFitTypes
- TcOrigin
- TcRnTypes
- TcType
- ToIface
- ToolSettings
- TrieMap
- TyCoFVs
- TyCoPpr
- TyCoRep
- TyCoSubst
- TyCoTidy
- TyCon
- Type
- TysPrim
- TysWiredIn
- Unify
- UniqDFM
- UniqDSet
- UniqFM
- UniqSet
- UniqSupply
- Unique
- Util
- Var
- VarEnv
- VarSet
- Win32 lib:Win32 >=0
- array lib:array >=0.1 && <0.6
- base lib:base >=4.12 && <4.15
- binary lib:binary >=0.8 && <0.9
- bytestring lib:bytestring >=0.9 && <0.11
- containers lib:containers >=0.5 && <0.7
- deepseq lib:deepseq >=1.4 && <1.5
- directory lib:directory >=1 && <1.4
- filepath lib:filepath >=1 && <1.5
- ghc-prim lib:ghc-prim >0.2 && <0.7
- hpc lib:hpc >=0.6 && <0.7
- pretty lib:pretty >=1.1 && <1.2
- process lib:process >=1 && <1.7
- time lib:time >=1.4 && <1.10
- transformers lib:transformers >=0.5 && <0.6
- unix lib:unix >=0
Reverse dependencies
Direct only. Not exhaustive.
- ghc-lib lib:ghc-lib
- ghc-lib-parser-ex lib:ghc-lib-parser-ex
- ghc-lib-parser-ex test:ghc-lib-parser-ex-test
- ghcide lib:ghcide
- hlint lib:hlint
- now-haskell exe:module-scanner