The latest version of ghcide is
- Control.Concurrent.Strict
- Development.IDE
- Development.IDE.Core.Actions
- Development.IDE.Core.Compile
- Development.IDE.Core.Debouncer
- Development.IDE.Core.FileStore
- Development.IDE.Core.IdeConfiguration
- Development.IDE.Core.OfInterest
- Development.IDE.Core.PositionMapping
- Development.IDE.Core.Preprocessor
- Development.IDE.Core.ProgressReporting
- Development.IDE.Core.RuleTypes
- Development.IDE.Core.Rules
- Development.IDE.Core.Service
- Development.IDE.Core.Shake
- Development.IDE.Core.Tracing
- Development.IDE.Core.UseStale
- Development.IDE.GHC.Compat
- Development.IDE.GHC.Error
- Development.IDE.GHC.ExactPrint
- Development.IDE.GHC.Orphans
- Development.IDE.GHC.Util
- Development.IDE.Import.DependencyInformation
- Development.IDE.Import.FindImports
- Development.IDE.LSP.HoverDefinition
- Development.IDE.LSP.LanguageServer
- Development.IDE.LSP.Outline
- Development.IDE.LSP.Server
- Development.IDE.Main
- Development.IDE.Plugin
- Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction
- Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction.ExactPrint
- Development.IDE.Plugin.Completions
- Development.IDE.Plugin.Completions.Types
- Development.IDE.Plugin.HLS
- Development.IDE.Plugin.HLS.GhcIde
- Development.IDE.Plugin.Test
- Development.IDE.Plugin.TypeLenses
- Development.IDE.Session
- Development.IDE.Spans.AtPoint
- Development.IDE.Spans.Common
- Development.IDE.Spans.Documentation
- Development.IDE.Spans.LocalBindings
- Development.IDE.Types.Diagnostics
- Development.IDE.Types.Exports
- Development.IDE.Types.HscEnvEq
- Development.IDE.Types.KnownTargets
- Development.IDE.Types.Location
- Development.IDE.Types.Logger
- Development.IDE.Types.Options
- Development.IDE.Types.Shake
- Generics.SYB.GHC
- Diff lib:Diff ^>=0.4.0
- Glob lib:Glob >=0
- Win32 lib:Win32 >=0
- aeson lib:aeson >=0
- aeson-pretty lib:aeson-pretty >=0
- array lib:array >=0
- async lib:async >=0
- base lib:base >=4 && <5
- base16-bytestring lib:base16-bytestring >=0.1.1 && <1.1
- binary lib:binary >=0
- bytestring lib:bytestring >=0
- bytestring-encoding lib:bytestring-encoding >=0
- case-insensitive lib:case-insensitive >=0
- containers lib:containers >=0
- cryptohash-sha1 lib:cryptohash-sha1 >=0.11.100 && <0.12
- data-default lib:data-default >=0
- deepseq lib:deepseq >=0
- dependent-map lib:dependent-map >=0
- dependent-sum lib:dependent-sum >=0
- directory lib:directory >=0
- dlist lib:dlist >=0
- extra lib:extra >=1.7.4 && <1.7.10
- filepath lib:filepath >=0
- fingertree lib:fingertree >=0
- fuzzy lib:fuzzy >=0
- ghc lib:ghc >=8.6
- ghc-api-compat lib:ghc-api-compat ==9.0.1 && ==8.10.7 && ==8.10.6 && ==8.10.5 && ==8.6
- ghc-boot lib:ghc-boot >=0
- ghc-boot-th lib:ghc-boot-th >=0
- ghc-check lib:ghc-check >=
- ghc-exactprint lib:ghc-exactprint >=0
- ghc-paths lib:ghc-paths >=0
- ghc-trace-events lib:ghc-trace-events >=0
- haddock-library lib:haddock-library >=1.8 && <1.11
- hashable lib:hashable >=0
- heapsize lib:heapsize >=0.3 && <0.4
- hie-bios lib:hie-bios >=0.7.1 && <0.8.0
- hie-compat lib:hie-compat ^>=
- hiedb lib:hiedb >=0.4.0 && <0.4.1
- hls-graph lib:hls-graph ^>=1.4
- hls-plugin-api lib:hls-plugin-api ^>=
- hslogger lib:hslogger >=0
- implicit-hie-cradle lib:implicit-hie-cradle >= && <0.4
- lens lib:lens >=0
- lsp lib:lsp >=1.2 && <1.3
- lsp-types lib:lsp-types >= && <1.4
- mtl lib:mtl >=0
- network-uri lib:network-uri >=0
- opentelemetry lib:opentelemetry >=0.6.1
- optparse-applicative lib:optparse-applicative >=0
- parallel lib:parallel >=0
- prettyprinter lib:prettyprinter >=0
- prettyprinter-ansi-terminal lib:prettyprinter-ansi-terminal >=0
- regex-tdfa lib:regex-tdfa >=
- retrie lib:retrie >=0
- rope-utf16-splay lib:rope-utf16-splay >=0
- safe lib:safe >=0
- safe-exceptions lib:safe-exceptions >=0
- sorted-list lib:sorted-list >=0
- sqlite-simple lib:sqlite-simple >=0
- stm lib:stm >=0
- syb lib:syb >=0
- text lib:text >=0
- time lib:time >=0
- transformers lib:transformers >=0
- unix lib:unix >=0
- unliftio lib:unliftio >=0
- unliftio-core lib:unliftio-core >=0
- unordered-containers lib:unordered-containers >=
- utf8-string lib:utf8-string >=0
- vector lib:vector >=0 && >=0
Reverse dependencies
Direct only. Not exhaustive.
- ghcide exe:ghcide
- ghcide exe:ghcide-bench
- ghcide test:ghcide-tests
- hls-class-plugin lib:hls-class-plugin
- hls-eval-plugin lib:hls-eval-plugin
- hls-exactprint-utils lib:hls-exactprint-utils
- hls-explicit-imports-plugin lib:hls-explicit-imports-plugin
- hls-haddock-comments-plugin lib:hls-haddock-comments-plugin
- hls-hlint-plugin lib:hls-hlint-plugin
- hls-plugin-api lib:hls-plugin-api
- hls-retrie-plugin lib:hls-retrie-plugin
- hls-splice-plugin lib:hls-splice-plugin