Version of ghcup is deprecated.
The latest version of ghcup is
- GHCup
- GHCup.Download
- GHCup.Download.IOStreams
- GHCup.Download.Utils
- GHCup.Errors
- GHCup.Platform
- GHCup.Requirements
- GHCup.Types
- GHCup.Types.JSON
- GHCup.Types.Optics
- GHCup.Utils
- GHCup.Utils.Dirs
- GHCup.Utils.File
- GHCup.Utils.Logger
- GHCup.Utils.MegaParsec
- GHCup.Utils.Prelude
- GHCup.Utils.String.QQ
- GHCup.Utils.Version.QQ
- GHCup.Version
- HsOpenSSL lib:HsOpenSSL >=
- aeson lib:aeson >=1.4 && <1.6
- ascii-string lib:ascii-string ^>=1.0
- async lib:async >=0.8 && <2.3
- base lib:base >=4.13 && <5
- base16-bytestring lib:base16-bytestring >= && <1.1
- binary lib:binary ^>=
- bytestring lib:bytestring ^>=0.10
- bz2 lib:bz2 >= && <1.1
- case-insensitive lib:case-insensitive ^>=
- casing lib:casing ^>=
- concurrent-output lib:concurrent-output ^>=1.10.11
- containers lib:containers ^>=0.6
- cryptohash-sha256 lib:cryptohash-sha256 ^>=
- generics-sop lib:generics-sop ^>=0.5
- haskus-utils-types lib:haskus-utils-types ^>=1.5
- haskus-utils-variant lib:haskus-utils-variant >=3.0 && <3.2
- hpath lib:hpath >=0.11 && <0.13
- hpath-directory lib:hpath-directory ^>=0.14.1
- hpath-filepath lib:hpath-filepath ^>=0.10.3
- hpath-io lib:hpath-io ^>=0.14.1
- hpath-posix lib:hpath-posix ^>=0.13.2
- http-io-streams lib:http-io-streams >=
- io-streams lib:io-streams >=1.5
- libarchive lib:libarchive ^>=
- lzma-static lib:lzma-static ^>=
- megaparsec lib:megaparsec >=8.0.0 && <9.1
- monad-logger lib:monad-logger ^>=0.3.31
- mtl lib:mtl ^>=2.2
- optics lib:optics >=0.2 && <0.5
- optics-vl lib:optics-vl ^>=0.2
- os-release lib:os-release ^>=1.0.0
- parsec lib:parsec ^>=3.1
- pretty lib:pretty ^>=
- pretty-terminal lib:pretty-terminal ^>=
- regex-posix lib:regex-posix ^>=0.96
- resourcet lib:resourcet ^>=1.2.2
- safe lib:safe ^>=0.3.18
- safe-exceptions lib:safe-exceptions ^>=0.1
- split lib:split ^>=
- streamly lib:streamly ^>=0.7.3
- streamly-bytestring lib:streamly-bytestring ^>=0.1.2
- streamly-posix lib:streamly-posix ^>=
- strict-base lib:strict-base ^>=0.4
- string-interpolate lib:string-interpolate >= && <0.4
- tar-bytestring lib:tar-bytestring ^>=
- template-haskell lib:template-haskell >=2.7 && <2.17
- terminal-progress-bar lib:terminal-progress-bar >=0.4.1
- text lib:text ^>=
- time lib:time ^>=1.9.3
- transformers lib:transformers ^>=0.5
- unix lib:unix ^>=2.7
- unix-bytestring lib:unix-bytestring ^>=0.3
- unordered-containers lib:unordered-containers ^>=
- uri-bytestring lib:uri-bytestring ^>=
- utf8-string lib:utf8-string ^>=1.0
- vector lib:vector ^>=0.12
- versions lib:versions ^>=4.0.1
- vty lib:vty >=5.28.2 && <5.34
- word8 lib:word8 ^>=0.1.3
- yaml lib:yaml ^>=
- zlib lib:zlib ^>=
Reverse dependencies
Direct only. Not exhaustive.