The latest version of morley is 1.20.0-1.
- Michelson.Analyzer
- Michelson.Doc
- Michelson.ErrorPos
- Michelson.FailPattern
- Michelson.Interpret
- Michelson.Interpret.Pack
- Michelson.Interpret.Unpack
- Michelson.Interpret.Utils
- Michelson.Let
- Michelson.Macro
- Michelson.Optimizer
- Michelson.Parser
- Michelson.Parser.Annotations
- Michelson.Parser.Error
- Michelson.Parser.Ext
- Michelson.Parser.Helpers
- Michelson.Parser.Instr
- Michelson.Parser.Let
- Michelson.Parser.Lexer
- Michelson.Parser.Macro
- Michelson.Parser.Type
- Michelson.Parser.Types
- Michelson.Parser.Value
- Michelson.Preprocess
- Michelson.Printer
- Michelson.Printer.Util
- Michelson.Runtime
- Michelson.Runtime.Dummy
- Michelson.Runtime.GState
- Michelson.Runtime.TxData
- Michelson.Text
- Michelson.TypeCheck
- Michelson.TypeCheck.Error
- Michelson.TypeCheck.Ext
- Michelson.TypeCheck.Helpers
- Michelson.TypeCheck.Instr
- Michelson.TypeCheck.TypeCheck
- Michelson.TypeCheck.TypeCheckedOp
- Michelson.TypeCheck.TypeCheckedSeq
- Michelson.TypeCheck.Types
- Michelson.TypeCheck.Value
- Michelson.Typed
- Michelson.Typed.Aliases
- Michelson.Typed.Annotation
- Michelson.Typed.Arith
- Michelson.Typed.Convert
- Michelson.Typed.Doc
- Michelson.Typed.Entrypoints
- Michelson.Typed.Extract
- Michelson.Typed.Haskell
- Michelson.Typed.Haskell.Doc
- Michelson.Typed.Haskell.Instr
- Michelson.Typed.Haskell.Instr.Helpers
- Michelson.Typed.Haskell.Instr.Product
- Michelson.Typed.Haskell.Instr.Sum
- Michelson.Typed.Haskell.LooseSum
- Michelson.Typed.Haskell.ValidateDescription
- Michelson.Typed.Haskell.Value
- Michelson.Typed.Instr
- Michelson.Typed.OpSize
- Michelson.Typed.Origination
- Michelson.Typed.Polymorphic
- Michelson.Typed.Scope
- Michelson.Typed.Sing
- Michelson.Typed.T
- Michelson.Typed.Util
- Michelson.Typed.Value
- Michelson.Untyped
- Michelson.Untyped.Aliases
- Michelson.Untyped.Annotation
- Michelson.Untyped.Contract
- Michelson.Untyped.Entrypoints
- Michelson.Untyped.Ext
- Michelson.Untyped.Instr
- Michelson.Untyped.OpSize
- Michelson.Untyped.Type
- Michelson.Untyped.Value
- Morley.CLI
- Morley.Micheline
- Morley.Micheline.Binary
- Morley.Micheline.Class
- Morley.Micheline.Expression
- Morley.Micheline.Json
- Tezos.Address
- Tezos.Core
- Tezos.Crypto
- Tezos.Crypto.Ed25519
- Tezos.Crypto.Hash
- Tezos.Crypto.P256
- Tezos.Crypto.Secp256k1
- Tezos.Crypto.Util
- Util.Aeson
- Util.Alternative
- Util.Binary
- Util.ByteString
- Util.CLI
- Util.CustomGeneric
- Util.Default
- Util.Exception
- Util.Fcf
- Util.Generic
- Util.Instances
- Util.Label
- Util.Lens
- Util.Main
- Util.Markdown
- Util.Named
- Util.Num
- Util.Peano
- Util.Positive
- Util.TH
- Util.Text
- Util.Type
- Util.TypeLits
- Util.TypeTuple
- Util.TypeTuple.Class
- Util.TypeTuple.Instances
- Util.TypeTuple.TH
- Util.Typeable
- aeson lib:aeson >=0
- aeson-casing lib:aeson-casing >=0
- aeson-pretty lib:aeson-pretty >=0
- base lib:base >=4.7 && <5
- base58-bytestring lib:base58-bytestring >=0
- binary lib:binary >=0
- bytestring lib:bytestring >=0
- constraints lib:constraints >=0.11
- containers lib:containers >=0
- cryptonite lib:cryptonite >=0
- data-default lib:data-default >=0
- first-class-families lib:first-class-families >=
- fmt lib:fmt >=0
- generic-deriving lib:generic-deriving >=0
- gitrev lib:gitrev >=0
- hex-text lib:hex-text >=0
- interpolate lib:interpolate >=0
- lens lib:lens >=0
- megaparsec lib:megaparsec >=7.0.0
- memory lib:memory >=0
- morley-prelude lib:morley-prelude >=0.3.0
- mtl lib:mtl >=0
- named lib:named >=0
- optparse-applicative lib:optparse-applicative >=0
- parser-combinators lib:parser-combinators >=1.0.0
- scientific lib:scientific >=0
- semigroups lib:semigroups >=0.19.1
- show-type lib:show-type >=0
- singletons lib:singletons >=0
- syb lib:syb >=0
- template-haskell lib:template-haskell >=0
- text lib:text >=0
- text-manipulate lib:text-manipulate >=0
- th-lift lib:th-lift >=0
- th-lift-instances lib:th-lift-instances >=0
- time lib:time >=0
- timerep lib:timerep >=0
- uncaught-exception lib:uncaught-exception >=0
- unordered-containers lib:unordered-containers >=0
- vector lib:vector >=0
- vinyl lib:vinyl >=0
- with-utf8 lib:with-utf8 >=0
- wl-pprint-text lib:wl-pprint-text >=0
Reverse dependencies
Direct only. Not exhaustive.