The latest version of project-m36 is 1.1.0-0.
- ProjectM36.Arbitrary
- ProjectM36.Atom
- ProjectM36.AtomFunction
- ProjectM36.AtomFunctionBody
- ProjectM36.AtomFunctionError
- ProjectM36.AtomFunctions.Basic
- ProjectM36.AtomFunctions.Primitive
- ProjectM36.AtomType
- ProjectM36.Atomable
- ProjectM36.Attribute
- ProjectM36.AttributeExpr
- ProjectM36.AttributeNames
- ProjectM36.Base
- ProjectM36.Client
- ProjectM36.Client.Simple
- ProjectM36.DataConstructorDef
- ProjectM36.DataFrame
- ProjectM36.DataTypes.Basic
- ProjectM36.DataTypes.ByteString
- ProjectM36.DataTypes.DateTime
- ProjectM36.DataTypes.Day
- ProjectM36.DataTypes.Either
- ProjectM36.DataTypes.Interval
- ProjectM36.DataTypes.List
- ProjectM36.DataTypes.Maybe
- ProjectM36.DataTypes.NonEmptyList
- ProjectM36.DataTypes.Primitive
- ProjectM36.DataTypes.Sorting
- ProjectM36.DatabaseContext
- ProjectM36.DatabaseContextFunction
- ProjectM36.DatabaseContextFunctionError
- ProjectM36.DatabaseContextFunctionUtils
- ProjectM36.DateExamples
- ProjectM36.DisconnectedTransaction
- ProjectM36.Error
- ProjectM36.FSType
- ProjectM36.FileLock
- ProjectM36.FunctionalDependency
- ProjectM36.GraphRefRelationalExpr
- ProjectM36.InclusionDependency
- ProjectM36.IsomorphicSchema
- ProjectM36.Key
- ProjectM36.MiscUtils
- ProjectM36.NormalizeExpr
- ProjectM36.Notifications
- ProjectM36.Persist
- ProjectM36.Relation
- ProjectM36.Relation.Parse.CSV
- ProjectM36.Relation.Show.CSV
- ProjectM36.Relation.Show.Gnuplot
- ProjectM36.Relation.Show.HTML
- ProjectM36.Relation.Show.Term
- ProjectM36.RelationalExpression
- ProjectM36.ScriptSession
- ProjectM36.Server
- ProjectM36.Server.Config
- ProjectM36.Server.EntryPoints
- ProjectM36.Server.ParseArgs
- ProjectM36.Server.RemoteCallTypes
- ProjectM36.Session
- ProjectM36.Sessions
- ProjectM36.StaticOptimizer
- ProjectM36.TransGraphRelationalExpression
- ProjectM36.Transaction
- ProjectM36.Transaction.Persist
- ProjectM36.TransactionGraph
- ProjectM36.TransactionGraph.Merge
- ProjectM36.TransactionGraph.Persist
- ProjectM36.TransactionGraph.Show
- ProjectM36.TransactionInfo
- ProjectM36.Tuple
- ProjectM36.TupleSet
- ProjectM36.Tupleable
- ProjectM36.TypeConstructor
- ProjectM36.TypeConstructorDef
- ProjectM36.WCWidth
- ProjectM36.WithNameExpr
- Glob lib:Glob >=0
- MonadRandom lib:MonadRandom >=0
- QuickCheck lib:QuickCheck >=0
- Win32 lib:Win32 >=
- aeson lib:aeson >=1.1
- attoparsec lib:attoparsec >=0
- base lib:base >=4.8 && <4.14
- base64-bytestring lib:base64-bytestring >=0
- binary lib:binary >=0
- bytestring lib:bytestring >=0
- cassava lib:cassava >= && <0.6
- conduit lib:conduit >=0
- containers lib:containers >=0
- cryptohash-sha256 lib:cryptohash-sha256 >=0
- data-interval lib:data-interval >=0
- deepseq lib:deepseq >=0
- deepseq-generics lib:deepseq-generics >=0
- deferred-folds lib:deferred-folds >=0 && >=0
- directory lib:directory >=0 && >=0
- distributed-process lib:distributed-process >=0.7.4
- distributed-process-async lib:distributed-process-async >=
- distributed-process-client-server lib:distributed-process-client-server >=0.2.3
- distributed-process-extras lib:distributed-process-extras >=0.3.2
- either lib:either >=0
- exceptions lib:exceptions >=0
- extended-reals lib:extended-reals >=0
- filepath lib:filepath >=0
- foldl lib:foldl >=0
- ghc lib:ghc >=8.2 && <8.9
- ghc-boot lib:ghc-boot >=0
- ghc-paths lib:ghc-paths >=0
- ghci lib:ghci >=0
- gnuplot lib:gnuplot >=0
- hashable lib:hashable >=0
- hashable-time lib:hashable-time >=0
- haskeline lib:haskeline >=0
- http-api-data lib:http-api-data >=0
- list-t lib:list-t >=0
- monad-parallel lib:monad-parallel >=0
- mtl lib:mtl >=0
- network-transport lib:network-transport >=0 && >=0
- network-transport-tcp lib:network-transport-tcp >=0.6.0
- old-locale lib:old-locale >=0
- optparse-applicative lib:optparse-applicative >=0
- parallel lib:parallel >=0
- path-pieces lib:path-pieces >=0
- quickcheck-instances lib:quickcheck-instances >=0
- random-shuffle lib:random-shuffle >=0
- resourcet lib:resourcet >=0
- rset lib:rset >=0
- semigroups lib:semigroups >=0
- stm lib:stm >=0
- stm-containers lib:stm-containers >=0.2.15
- temporary lib:temporary >=0
- text lib:text >=0
- time lib:time >=0
- transformers lib:transformers >=0
- unix lib:unix >=0
- unordered-containers lib:unordered-containers >=0
- uuid lib:uuid >=1.3.12
- vector lib:vector >=0
- vector-binary-instances lib:vector-binary-instances >=0
- zlib lib:zlib >=0
Reverse dependencies
Direct only. Not exhaustive.
- project-m36 bench:bench
- project-m36 exe:Example-Blog
- project-m36 exe:Example-Hair
- project-m36 exe:Example-OutOfTheTarpit
- project-m36 exe:Example-SimpleClient
- project-m36 exe:bigrel
- project-m36 exe:handles
- project-m36 exe:project-m36-server
- project-m36 exe:project-m36-websocket-server
- project-m36 exe:tutd
- project-m36 test:test-atomable
- project-m36 test:test-client-simple
- project-m36 test:test-isomorphic-schemas
- project-m36 test:test-multiprocess-access
- project-m36 test:test-relation
- project-m36 test:test-relation-export-csv
- project-m36 test:test-relation-import-csv
- project-m36 test:test-scripts
- project-m36 test:test-server
- project-m36 test:test-static-optimizer
- project-m36 test:test-transactiongraph-automerge
- project-m36 test:test-transactiongraph-merge
- project-m36 test:test-transactiongraph-persist
- project-m36 test:test-tupleable
- project-m36 test:test-tutoriald
- project-m36 test:test-tutoriald-atomfunctionscript
- project-m36 test:test-tutoriald-databasecontextfunctionscript
- project-m36 test:test-tutoriald-import-tutoriald
- project-m36 test:test-websocket-server