The latest version of sandwich is
- Test.Sandwich
- Test.Sandwich.Contexts
- Test.Sandwich.Expectations
- Test.Sandwich.Formatters.FailureReport
- Test.Sandwich.Formatters.LogSaver
- Test.Sandwich.Formatters.Print
- Test.Sandwich.Formatters.Silent
- Test.Sandwich.Formatters.TerminalUI
- Test.Sandwich.Golden
- Test.Sandwich.Internal
- Test.Sandwich.Logging
- Test.Sandwich.Misc
- Test.Sandwich.Nodes
- Test.Sandwich.Options
- Test.Sandwich.TH
- Test.Sandwich.Util.Process
- Test.Sandwich.Waits
- Win32 lib:Win32 >=0
- aeson lib:aeson >=0
- ansi-terminal lib:ansi-terminal >=0
- async lib:async >=0
- base lib:base >=4.11 && <5
- brick lib:brick >=0
- bytestring lib:bytestring >=0
- colour lib:colour >=0
- containers lib:containers >=0
- deepseq lib:deepseq >=0
- directory lib:directory >=0
- exceptions lib:exceptions >=0
- filepath lib:filepath >=0
- free lib:free >=0
- haskell-src-exts lib:haskell-src-exts >=0
- microlens lib:microlens >=0
- microlens-th lib:microlens-th >=0
- monad-control lib:monad-control >=0
- monad-logger lib:monad-logger >=0
- mtl lib:mtl >=0
- optparse-applicative lib:optparse-applicative >=0
- pretty-show lib:pretty-show >=0
- process lib:process >=0
- retry lib:retry >=0
- safe lib:safe >=0
- stm lib:stm >=0
- string-interpolate lib:string-interpolate >=0
- template-haskell lib:template-haskell >=0
- text lib:text >=0
- time lib:time >=0
- transformers lib:transformers >=0
- transformers-base lib:transformers-base >=0
- unix lib:unix >=0
- unliftio lib:unliftio >=0
- unliftio-core lib:unliftio-core >=0
- vector lib:vector >=0
- vty lib:vty >=6
- vty-crossplatform lib:vty-crossplatform >=0
Reverse dependencies
Direct only. Not exhaustive.
- sandwich exe:sandwich-demo
- sandwich exe:sandwich-discover
- sandwich exe:sandwich-exe
- sandwich exe:sandwich-test
- sandwich test:sandwich-test-suite
- sandwich-quickcheck exe:sandwich-quickcheck-exe
- sandwich-quickcheck lib:sandwich-quickcheck
- sandwich-quickcheck test:sandwich-quickcheck-test
- sandwich-slack exe:sandwich-slack-exe
- sandwich-slack lib:sandwich-slack
- sandwich-slack test:sandwich-slack-test
- sandwich-webdriver exe:sandwich-webdriver-exe
- sandwich-webdriver lib:sandwich-webdriver
- sandwich-webdriver test:sandwich-webdriver-test