The latest version of stan is
- Stan
- Stan.Analysis
- Stan.Analysis.Analyser
- Stan.Analysis.Pretty
- Stan.Analysis.Summary
- Stan.Browse
- Stan.Cabal
- Stan.Category
- Stan.Cli
- Stan.Config
- Stan.Config.Pretty
- Stan.Core.Id
- Stan.Core.List
- Stan.Core.ModuleName
- Stan.EnvVars
- Stan.Example
- Stan.FileInfo
- Stan.Ghc.Compat
- Stan.Hie
- Stan.Hie.Compat
- Stan.Hie.Debug
- Stan.Hie.MatchAst
- Stan.Hie.MatchType
- Stan.Info
- Stan.Inspection
- Stan.Inspection.All
- Stan.Inspection.AntiPattern
- Stan.Inspection.Infinite
- Stan.Inspection.Partial
- Stan.Inspection.Style
- Stan.NameMeta
- Stan.Observation
- Stan.Pattern.Ast
- Stan.Pattern.Edsl
- Stan.Pattern.Type
- Stan.Report
- Stan.Report.Css
- Stan.Report.Html
- Stan.Report.Settings
- Stan.Severity
- Stan.Toml
- array lib:array ^>=0.5
- base lib:base >=4.13 && <4.15
- base64 lib:base64 ^>=0.4.1
- blaze-html lib:blaze-html ^>=0.9.1
- bytestring lib:bytestring ^>=0.10
- clay lib:clay ^>=0.13
- colourista lib:colourista ^>=
- containers lib:containers ^>=0.6
- cryptohash-sha1 lib:cryptohash-sha1 ^>=0.11
- dir-traverse lib:dir-traverse ^>=
- directory lib:directory ^>=1.3
- extensions lib:extensions ^>=
- filepath lib:filepath ^>=1.4
- ghc lib:ghc >=8.8 && <8.11
- ghc-boot-th lib:ghc-boot-th >=8.8 && <8.11
- gitrev lib:gitrev ^>=1.3.1
- microaeson lib:microaeson ^>=
- optparse-applicative lib:optparse-applicative ^>=0.15
- pretty-simple lib:pretty-simple ^>=3.2
- process lib:process ^>=
- relude lib:relude ^>=
- slist lib:slist ^>=0.1
- text lib:text ^>=1.2
- tomland lib:tomland ^>=
- trial lib:trial ^>=
- trial-optparse-applicative lib:trial-optparse-applicative ^>=
- trial-tomland lib:trial-tomland ^>=
- unordered-containers lib:unordered-containers ^>=0.2
Reverse dependencies
Direct only. Not exhaustive.
- hls-stan-plugin lib:hls-stan-plugin
- stan exe:stan
- stan test:stan-test