The latest version of text-show is 3.11.1-0.
- TextShow
- TextShow.Control.Applicative
- TextShow.Control.Concurrent
- TextShow.Control.Exception
- TextShow.Control.Monad.ST
- TextShow.Data.Array
- TextShow.Data.Bool
- TextShow.Data.ByteString
- TextShow.Data.Char
- TextShow.Data.Complex
- TextShow.Data.Data
- TextShow.Data.Dynamic
- TextShow.Data.Either
- TextShow.Data.Fixed
- TextShow.Data.Floating
- TextShow.Data.Functor.Compose
- TextShow.Data.Functor.Identity
- TextShow.Data.Functor.Product
- TextShow.Data.Functor.Sum
- TextShow.Data.Integral
- TextShow.Data.List
- TextShow.Data.List.NonEmpty
- TextShow.Data.Maybe
- TextShow.Data.Monoid
- TextShow.Data.OldTypeable
- TextShow.Data.Ord
- TextShow.Data.Proxy
- TextShow.Data.Ratio
- TextShow.Data.Semigroup
- TextShow.Data.Text
- TextShow.Data.Tuple
- TextShow.Data.Type.Coercion
- TextShow.Data.Type.Equality
- TextShow.Data.Typeable
- TextShow.Data.Version
- TextShow.Data.Void
- TextShow.Debug.Trace
- TextShow.Debug.Trace.Generic
- TextShow.Debug.Trace.TH
- TextShow.Foreign.C.Types
- TextShow.Foreign.Ptr
- TextShow.Functions
- TextShow.GHC.Conc.Windows
- TextShow.GHC.Event
- TextShow.GHC.Fingerprint
- TextShow.GHC.Generics
- TextShow.GHC.RTS.Flags
- TextShow.GHC.Stack
- TextShow.GHC.StaticPtr
- TextShow.GHC.Stats
- TextShow.GHC.TypeLits
- TextShow.Generic
- TextShow.Numeric.Natural
- TextShow.System.Exit
- TextShow.System.IO
- TextShow.System.Posix.Types
- TextShow.TH
- TextShow.Text.Read
- array lib:array >=0.3 && <0.6
- base lib:base (>=4.3 && <4.9) && >=4.9 && <5
- base-compat lib:base-compat >=0.8.1 && <1
- bifunctors lib:bifunctors >=5.1 && <6
- bytestring lib:bytestring >=0.9 && <0.11
- bytestring-builder lib:bytestring-builder >=0
- containers lib:containers >=0.1 && <0.6
- contravariant lib:contravariant >=0.5 && <2
- generic-deriving lib:generic-deriving >=1.11 && <2
- ghc-boot-th lib:ghc-boot-th >=8.0 && <8.5
- ghc-prim lib:ghc-prim >=0
- integer-gmp lib:integer-gmp >=0
- nats lib:nats >=0.1 && <2
- semigroups lib:semigroups >=0.17 && <1
- tagged lib:tagged >=0.4.4 && <1
- template-haskell lib:template-haskell (>=2.5 && <2.11) && >=2.11 && <2.14
- text lib:text >=0.11.1 && <1.3
- th-abstraction lib:th-abstraction >=0.2.2 && <1
- th-lift lib:th-lift >=0.7.6 && <1
- transformers lib:transformers (>=0.4 && <0.5) && (>=0.2.1 && <0.4 || >=0.5 && <0.6)
- transformers-compat lib:transformers-compat >=0.5 && <1
- void lib:void >=0.5 && <1
Reverse dependencies
Direct only. Not exhaustive.
- acme-everything lib:acme-everything
- haskhol-core lib:haskhol-core
- html-email-validate lib:html-email-validate
- period lib:period