Version 0.4.1-0 of universum is deprecated.
The latest version of universum is
- Applicative
- Base
- Bool
- Containers
- Conv
- Debug
- Exceptions
- Functor
- Lifted
- Lifted.Concurrent
- Lifted.Env
- Lifted.File
- Lifted.IORef
- List
- Monad
- Monad.Either
- Monad.Maybe
- Monad.Trans
- TypeOps
- Universum
- Unsafe
- base lib:base >=4.7 && <4.10
- bytestring lib:bytestring >=0.10 && <0.11
- containers lib:containers >=0.5 && <0.6
- deepseq lib:deepseq >=1.3 && <1.5
- exceptions lib:exceptions >=0
- ghc-prim lib:ghc-prim >=0.3 && <0.6
- hashable lib:hashable >=0
- microlens lib:microlens >=0.4 && <0.5
- microlens-mtl lib:microlens-mtl >=0.1.7 && <0.2
- mtl lib:mtl >=2.1 && <2.3
- safe lib:safe >=0.3 && <0.4
- stm lib:stm >=2.4 && <2.5
- text lib:text >=1.2 && <1.3
- text-format lib:text-format >=0
- transformers lib:transformers >=0.4 && <0.6
- type-operators lib:type-operators ==
- unordered-containers lib:unordered-containers >=0
- utf8-string lib:utf8-string >=1.0 && <1.1
- vector lib:vector >=0
Reverse dependencies
Direct only. Not exhaustive.
- log-warper exe:play-log
- log-warper lib:log-warper
- log-warper test:log-test
- orgstat exe:orgstat
- orgstat lib:orgstat
- orgstat test:orgstat-test
- serokell-util lib:serokell-util