The latest version of yet-another-logger is 0.4.2-0.
- System.Logger
- System.Logger.Backend.ColorOption
- System.Logger.Backend.Handle
- System.Logger.Internal
- System.Logger.Internal.Queue
- System.Logger.Logger
- System.Logger.Logger.Internal
- System.Logger.Types
- aeson lib:aeson >=0.7
- ansi-terminal lib:ansi-terminal >=0.6
- async lib:async >=2.0
- base lib:base >=4 && <5
- base-unicode-symbols lib:base-unicode-symbols >=0.2
- bytestring lib:bytestring >=0.10
- case-insensitive lib:case-insensitive >=1.2
- clock lib:clock >=0.4
- configuration-tools lib:configuration-tools >=0.2.8
- deepseq lib:deepseq >=1.3
- either lib:either >=4.3
- enclosed-exceptions lib:enclosed-exceptions >=1.0
- lens lib:lens >=4.6
- lifted-base lib:lifted-base >=0.2.3
- monad-control lib:monad-control >=1.0
- mtl lib:mtl >=2.2
- nats lib:nats >=1
- optparse-applicative lib:optparse-applicative >=0.11
- stm lib:stm >=2.4
- stm-chans lib:stm-chans >=3.0
- text lib:text >=1.2
- time lib:time >=1.5
- trace lib:trace >=0.1
- transformers lib:transformers >=0.3
- transformers-base lib:transformers-base >=0.4
- void lib:void >=0.7
Reverse dependencies
Direct only. Not exhaustive.
- acme-everything lib:acme-everything
- yet-another-logger exe:example
- yet-another-logger test:tests