The latest version of yi is 0.19.3-0.
- Yi
- Yi.Boot
- Yi.Boot.Internal
- Yi.Buffer
- Yi.Buffer.Adjusted
- Yi.Buffer.HighLevel
- Yi.Buffer.Indent
- Yi.Buffer.Misc
- Yi.Buffer.Normal
- Yi.Buffer.Region
- Yi.Buffer.TextUnit
- Yi.Buffer.Undo
- Yi.Char.Unicode
- Yi.Command
- Yi.Command.Help
- Yi.Completion
- Yi.Config
- Yi.Config.Default
- Yi.Config.Lens
- Yi.Config.Misc
- Yi.Config.Simple
- Yi.Config.Simple.Types
- Yi.Core
- Yi.Debug
- Yi.Dired
- Yi.Editor
- Yi.Eval
- Yi.Event
- Yi.File
- Yi.History
- Yi.Hoogle
- Yi.Hooks
- Yi.IReader
- Yi.IncrementalParse
- Yi.Interact
- Yi.JumpList
- Yi.Keymap
- Yi.Keymap.Completion
- Yi.Keymap.Cua
- Yi.Keymap.Emacs
- Yi.Keymap.Emacs.KillRing
- Yi.Keymap.Emacs.Utils
- Yi.Keymap.Keys
- Yi.Keymap.Vim
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.Common
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.Digraph
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.Eval
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.EventUtils
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.Ex
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.Ex.Commands.Buffer
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.Ex.Commands.BufferDelete
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.Ex.Commands.Buffers
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.Ex.Commands.Cabal
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.Ex.Commands.Common
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.Ex.Commands.Delete
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.Ex.Commands.Edit
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.Ex.Commands.Global
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.Ex.Commands.GotoLine
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.Ex.Commands.Help
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.Ex.Commands.Make
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.Ex.Commands.Nohl
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.Ex.Commands.Paste
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.Ex.Commands.Quit
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.Ex.Commands.Reload
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.Ex.Commands.Shell
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.Ex.Commands.Sort
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.Ex.Commands.Substitute
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.Ex.Commands.Tag
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.Ex.Commands.Undo
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.Ex.Commands.Write
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.Ex.Commands.Yi
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.Ex.Eval
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.Ex.Types
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.ExMap
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.InsertMap
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.MatchResult
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.Motion
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.NormalMap
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.NormalOperatorPendingMap
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.Operator
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.ReplaceMap
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.ReplaceSingleCharMap
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.Search
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.SearchMotionMap
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.StateUtils
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.StyledRegion
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.Tag
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.TextObject
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.Utils
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.VisualMap
- Yi.KillRing
- Yi.Layout
- Yi.Main
- Yi.MiniBuffer
- Yi.Misc
- Yi.Mode.Abella
- Yi.Mode.Buffers
- Yi.Mode.Compilation
- Yi.Mode.GHCi
- Yi.Mode.Haskell
- Yi.Mode.Haskell.Dollarify
- Yi.Mode.IReader
- Yi.Mode.Interactive
- Yi.Mode.JavaScript
- Yi.Mode.Latex
- Yi.Modes
- Yi.Monad
- Yi.Paths
- Yi.PersistentState
- Yi.Process
- Yi.Rectangle
- Yi.Search
- Yi.Search.Internal
- Yi.Snippets
- Yi.Snippets.Haskell
- Yi.String
- Yi.Syntax.Driver
- Yi.Syntax.Haskell
- Yi.Syntax.JavaScript
- Yi.Syntax.Latex
- Yi.Syntax.Layout
- Yi.Syntax.OnlineTree
- Yi.Syntax.Paren
- Yi.Syntax.Strokes.Haskell
- Yi.Syntax.Tree
- Yi.Tab
- Yi.Tag
- Yi.TextCompletion
- Yi.Types
- Yi.UI.Batch
- Yi.UI.Common
- Yi.UI.Pango
- Yi.UI.Pango.Control
- Yi.UI.SimpleLayout
- Yi.UI.TabBar
- Yi.UI.Utils
- Yi.UI.Vty
- Yi.UI.Vty.Conversions
- Yi.Verifier.JavaScript
- Yi.Window
- Cabal lib:Cabal >=1.10
- QuickCheck lib:QuickCheck >=2.7 && <2.8
- Win32 lib:Win32 >=0
- array lib:array >=0
- base lib:base >=4 && <5
- binary lib:binary >=0.7 && >=0.5
- bytestring lib:bytestring >=0.9.1 && <0.11
- cautious-file lib:cautious-file >=1.0.1
- containers lib:containers >=0
- data-default lib:data-default >=0
- derive lib:derive >=2.4 && <2.7
- directory lib:directory >=0
- dlist lib:dlist >=0.4.1
- dynamic-state lib:dynamic-state >=
- dyre lib:dyre >=0.8.11
- exceptions lib:exceptions >=0
- filepath lib:filepath >=1.1 && <1.4
- glib lib:glib >=0.13 && <0.14
- gtk lib:gtk >=0.13 && <0.14
- hashable lib:hashable >=
- hint lib:hint >0.3.1
- lens lib:lens >=
- mtl lib:mtl >=
- old-locale lib:old-locale >=0
- oo-prototypes lib:oo-prototypes >=0
- pango lib:pango >=0.13 && <0.14
- parsec lib:parsec >=3.0
- pointedlist lib:pointedlist >=0.5
- process lib:process >=
- random lib:random >=0
- regex-base lib:regex-base >=0.93 && <0.94
- regex-tdfa lib:regex-tdfa >=1.1 && <1.3
- safe lib:safe >=0.3.4 && <0.4
- semigroups lib:semigroups >=0
- split lib:split >=0.1 && <0.3
- tagged lib:tagged >=0
- template-haskell lib:template-haskell >=2.4
- text lib:text >=
- time lib:time >=1.1
- transformers-base lib:transformers-base >=0
- unix lib:unix >=0
- unix-compat lib:unix-compat (>=0.1 && <0.5) && >=0.1 && <0.5
- unordered-containers lib:unordered-containers >=0.1.3 && <0.3
- utf8-string lib:utf8-string >=0.3.1
- vty lib:vty >=5.2.4 && <6
- word-trie lib:word-trie >=
- xdg-basedir lib:xdg-basedir >=0.2.1 && <0.3
- yi-language lib:yi-language >=
- yi-rope lib:yi-rope >= && <0.8
Reverse dependencies
Direct only. Not exhaustive.
- leksah exe:leksah
- yi exe:parserTest
- yi exe:yi
- yi test:test-suite
- yi-monokai lib:yi-monokai